During my six years of junior high and high school, there are countless things that I enjoyed.

文化祭 is one of the most impressive among them.
I had been looking forward to 文化祭 since before I entered the school, where various projects are lined up.
I didn't become a member of the executive committee, but I liked the atmosphere of the busy preparations before Togensai.

I didn't really like practicing for music festivals, but when the voices were perfected, I naturally felt like I had to do it.

But the one I remember the most is 課題研究.
課題研究 has been indebted to me every year since I was in the third grade, but I ended up submitting my graduation thesis without enough words.
I was able to change my research theme every year, so I think I was able to understand a little more about which field I was most interested in, so that was good.

I entered this school because the tuition fee was cheap, but I am really glad that I was able to meet some very nice friends.

I'm a little worried about graduating from this lukewarm school and going out into the world.

It was a lot of fun. Thank you for your attention.

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